IT Cos

Information Technology industry

Information Technology industry is one of the best value creator in India. IT Sector generates positive cash flows on month-on-month basis and has problem of plenty when it comes to investment.
We know that safety of investment is utmost importance to you.
We understand that you would have exhausted most of the options of large investments in fixed income space and are open to investments in Fixed Deposits of companies which can absorb large amounts.

We understand that you are looking for

  • Diversification of Investments
  • Options other than Bank FDs, Mutual Funds and Government Bonds
  • Simple Investment Options
  • Safety of Funds
  • Higher Returns
  • Option to Get Loan against Investments
  • Need Regular Return on Investments
We provide Fixed Deposit Options which meet your requirements.

Benefits of Fixed Deposit in AA & AAA Rated NBFCs

  • Quick Deployment
  • Better Returns than Bank Fixed Deposits and Money Markets
  • Diversification of Investments
  • Simple Investment Option
  • Safety of Funds
  • Higher Returns
  • Option to Get Loan against Investments
  • Can Deploy Large Funds for Shorter and Longer Tenor
  • No need to Track Markets
  • Interest rates is fixed upfront for the entire tenor of deposit
  • Easy Documentations
  • Cumulative / Non-Cumulative Interest Payouts
  • Monthly / Quarterly / Half-yearly / Annual Interest Payment Options
Please get in touch with us at to discuss fixed deposit solution for your organisation.