Medical and Hospital Trusts

Medical and Hospital Trusts are doing commendable job of providing quality healthcare at affordable price to patients in nearby and far-off areas.
Medical and Hospital Trusts receive regular donations. Some of them are now well established and generate positive cash flows from the operations.

While investing these funds there are peculiar challenges faced by Medical Trusts

  • Limited Investment Options as per Section 11 (5) (ix) of Income Tax Act
  • Options other than Bank FDs and Government Bonds
  • Safety of Funds
  • Need Regular Return on Investments
  • Simple Investment Options
  • Higher Returns
  • Diversification of Investments
  • Option to Get Loan against Investments

Pick Deposit Solutions

Few medical trusts can’t afford high cost treasury team and may need experts help to identify available avenues for investments.
At Pick Deposit, we understand the above challenges faced by you. We also understand that while investing Funds, safety of funds and stable return is of utmost importance.
Accordingly, we provide Fixed Deposit options of various Corporates and NBFCs which have high degree of safety and at the same time offer decent returns.

Fixed Deposit in AA & AAA Rated NBFCs

  • Quick Deployment
  • Better Rates than Bank Fixed Deposits and Liquid Funds
  • Diversification of Investments
  • Simple Investment Option
  • Safety of Funds
  • Higher Returns
  • Option to Get Loan against Investments
  • Can Deploy Large Funds for Shorter and Longer Tenor
  • Fixed Interest Rate – Interest rates fixed for the entire tenor
  • Easy Documentations
  • Cumulative / Non-Cumulative Interest Payouts
  • Monthly / Quarterly / Half-yearly / Annual Interest Payment Options
Please get in touch with us at to discuss fixed deposit solution for your organisation.